<!--Begin Include: navsearch.txt--> <!--This file is used in the following format templates: search.htm This file provides the HTML and CDML code for the navigation buttons. It provides buttons to navigate to the different sections of this solution.--> <IMG SRC="images/clearspacer.gif" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH="80" HEIGHT="55"> <!--The Search button is deactivated and the search2 image (highlighted) is used to indicate the Web user's location.--> <IMG SRC="images/search2.gif" ALT="Search" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0"><BR> <!--The Browse button provides a listing of links for browsing the titles in the various categories. The CDML keywords to note here are: FMPro - Directs the URL to the FileMaker Web Companion. -db - Specifies the database to be used. -lay - Specifies the layout to be used. -token - Passes the token value on to the next format file. -format - Specifies the format file to be used as a reply. -view - This is the action keyword. This action tells the Web Companion that the format file should be processed but no database action is necessary. In most cases the file could be referenced directly but in this case, the token needs to be passed on and substituted into the next file so the ID of the order record is not lost. There is also some JavaScriptâ„¢ that calls functions in the nav.js file. The scope of these comments is not intended to cover JavaScriptâ„¢ in detail but an examination of this file might put you on the right track. NOTE: HTML IMG tags do not normally use the NAME parameter but they are necessary for the proper function of the JavaScriptâ„¢ animation.--> <A HREF="FMPro?-db=Products.fp3&-lay=CGI&-token=[FMP-if:currentdatabase.eq.Orders.fp3][FMP-currentrecid][FMP-else][FMP-currenttoken][/FMP-if]&-format=browse.htm&-view" onMouseOver="return setimg('browse',true)" onMouseOut="return setimg('browse',false)"><IMG SRC="images/browse1.gif" NAME="browse" ALT="Browse" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0"></A><BR> <!--The Specials button provides a listing of special flagged items in the Products.fp3 database. It is similar to the Browse button above with the following exceptions: -error - Specifies the format file to be used if an error occurs. -max - The maximum number of records to be returned. -sortfield - The name of the field to be used when sorting the found set of records. -sortorder - The type of sort to be performed (descending, ascending or custom). -find - This is the action keyword. In this case, it tells the Web Companion to perform a find request.--> <A HREF="FMPro?-token=[FMP-if:currentdatabase.eq.Orders.fp3][FMP-currentrecid][FMP-else][FMP-currenttoken][/FMP-if]&-db=Products.fp3&-lay=CGI&-format=specials.htm&-error=noresults.htm&-max=10&-sortfield=name&-sortorder=descending&Special=Yes&-find" onMouseOver="return setimg('specials',true)" onMouseOut="return setimg('specials',false)"><IMG SRC="images/specials1.gif" NAME="specials" ALT="Specials" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0"></A><BR> <!--The Cart button provides a listing of items purchase (in their shopping cart). It is essentially the same as the Specials button but performs its search in the OrderedItems database instead of Products.fp3.--> <A HREF="FMPro?-db=OrderedItems.fp3&-lay=CGI&-error=cart.htm&-token=[FMP-if:currentdatabase.eq.Orders.fp3][FMP-currentrecid][FMP-else][FMP-currenttoken][/FMP-if]&-format=cart.htm&Order%20ID=[FMP-currenttoken]&-find" onMouseOver="return setimg('cart',true)" onMouseOut="return setimg('cart',false)"><IMG SRC="images/cart1.gif" NAME="cart" ALT="Cart" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0"></A> <!--The remainder of the files in the "include" folder that begin with the letter "nav" (with the exception of nav.js) are slight variations on this file. The differences are left as an exercise for the reader. For now, proceed to the specials.htm document.--> <!--End Include: navsearch.txt-->